Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Easter Weekend at Grandma's

11 months ago we made a trip to Richmond to see Grandma, and we brought the lovely daycare stomach bug with us, so it took us awhile to get up the nerve to go at it again but it was Easter and we were way overdue for a visit. He was an Angel on the way down since we left at his bedtime, and he slept the whole way. Bonus for Ryan and I since NCAA basketball was streaming live on the radio. Grandma had quite the set up for him everything from his favorite Eggo waffles to my old fisher price animal farm that was quite the toy highlight.

On Saturday, we went to the big park in Richmond called Maymont for Easter Day. Grayson had a blast blowing bubbles, running around, and playing with his ball. Everything was going great until I took him into the children's farm area to feed sheep and pet the goats.
Why the distress you say, well he is going through this clean hands phase right now, and it takes about 10 wipes per meal so you can visualize what happened when I took his hand to pet the animals. He looked at his hand with major disgust then looked at me like "How could you do this to me". So I lose Mother of the Year award but what I am thinking is "If this clean thing could carry over to the tornado of toys in the house at all times we would be set."
Easter Sunday, we got up and Grayson did a Easter Egg Hunt around the house, and he quickly got the concept and loved putting in eggs in and out. Please admire the basket since it is Pottery Barn, and it is the only item I have ever bid and won on ebay. The only snafu was the decision to rush around to get to the 8:30 church service, and at 8:30 we were pulling out of the driveway with a screaming little man in the back seat so we pulled right back in and decided to go to the 9:45 service. We then preceded to put Baby Einstein on for 1/2 hour in order to restore the sanity.
The next trip out to church went smoothly, it was a great service and Grayson had fun playing with the different toys at the nursery.
All in All, we had a great weekend and very blessed that we could be together. Super thanks so Grandma Cheryl.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Back Inside

A few nice days outside playing with rocks, swinging and pushing cars down the slide at the playground made it really tough when the weather turned cold again to come back inside and play with the same boring toys. Thanks goodness Ryan came home from his week long training and Thank goodness for Toys R Us gift cards that enabled us to get some Easter Basket treats along with an early big hit present: The Little People's Racing Garage.

Grayson's New Phrase

Yes, Yes the new phrase is Uh Oh, and he says it too many times to count per day with different tones, pauses in between, and facial expressions. Plus, each night when he is just about to drift off to sleep we will hear him over the monitor repeating it again and again until silence. He is just so proud of himself, and of course Ryan and I get a kick out of it too. So with a little help from the bear that fell out of his car you can hear it also.

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Finally Getting Started

Well, after 14 months and lots of good intentions, we are finally blogging about our little man. As you know my nickname is not computer savy so this is a big deal for me. I had to get started since this week he has said Ouch, Oops and has been pretending to drink out of an empty Starbucks cup (Sleeve Mandatory). Looking forward to sharing more of Grayson's moments as they unfold.

Look Mom, No Hands

Grayson has been taking a gym class at JW Tumbles. He has come along way from the first class where he would not let me put him down, and now he runs around doing all the obstacles and activities first like he is the class leader. At this particular class, Ryan was able to come and capture the video below of Grayson climbing up and going down the slide all by himself.